This file lists all important changes to ATS9350 Firmware
Corrected product signature in the programming file that caused failure with AlazarFwUpdater utility.
Triggering is not allowed if TRIGGER or NPT_TRIGGER is already HIGH.
Also included FFT v5.2 that fixes a bug in real-only or imaginary-only FFT output.
Added support for a 200KHz ADC plugged into the Master/Slave connector. 12 bit data is reported in footer bits 15..4. Presence of the module is reported in Reg_02[24]. Footer signature is 0x01 if the add-on module is plugged in.
Added dependency on DUAL_CH_MODE for TRIG_PER_TRIGEN when using the 31 bit Trig per Trig En.
Changed MS_TRIGGERo to come out of a ddio block and changed MS_TRIG_OUT to have a clock enable to give 2 clock delay for SyncBoard 4X-W. Was giving a trigger jitter before.
Added logic to reset MPFE memory when SD_INIT (Reg_01[13] = 0-1-0) is issued. SD_INIT also aborts any ongoing captures to make sure memory test does not fail.
Used FFT v4.7 that does faster zero padding.
Also increased clock frequency to 420 MHz.
Needs driver/dll v5.10.11+ otherwise every other buffer is missed in FFT mode.
Added BUFFER_DONE signal to stall DMA circuit between engine switch.
Fixed the polarity of SLOW_EXTCLK_EN for calculating ALLOW_TRIGGER. This should eliminate the garbage data at the start of record in NPT Pretrig.
Uses FFT 3.15 engine.
Added NPT footers for FFT (time domain & freq domain).
Added OCT Ignore Bad Clock.
Increased NPT rec length counter to 28 bits (512M in dual & 1G in single).
Had to add FFT data mux after FFT as FFT 3.15 does not support pass thru mode.
Optimized PCIe settings to improve signal integrity.
Changed DSP_CLK to be 210 MHz, so 100 KHz FFTs can be done safely.
Added FFT module.
Added logic to delay READ_FINISHED_LCLK until C2S_LAST_POINT in continuous mode if READ_FINISHED_LCK was going to occur while OPEN_FLOODGATES was still HIGH. This fixes a problem in dual CPU systems (e.g. Dell T7600) that pause their dma response for some reason.
Added logic to handle different X and Y slopes for external trigger.
Added reset to MPFE when Reg_01[3] (aka CLR_MT_FIFO) is set to '1'.
Pacer output can be made undisturbed by setting bit 31 of pacer value = '1'.
Changed NPT mode pretrigger value in Streaming Fifo.bdf to not be dependent on SHARED_MEMORY. This will fix the single channel pre-trig bug.