This file lists all important changes to ATS9416 Firmware
Fixed bug where footer was not present in the last 32 bytes of a record in 16 channel mode (8-ch, 4-ch, 2-ch and 1-ch modes were good). In 16-ch mode, footer was present in the second-last 32-byte block. Now, footer is always present in the last 32-byte block of a record irrespective of how many channels are being acquired.
Added the ability to embed timestamps with one sample resolution in NPT Footers. Footer is now present in the last 128 bits of the record. Previously, it was spread across multiple words.
Fixed bug whereby overflow was not reported and data was allowed to be written into VFIFO even after an overflow, causing recording of corrupt lossy data.
Added DMA logic to eliminate extra pipelining that required (N+1)th trigger to flush out the data for Nth trigger.
Also fixed bug in trigger logic that caused triggers from internal sources (CH 1 to CH 16) to be ignored at sample rates lower than 100 MS/s.
Fixed logic that was causing mis-triggering with slower sample rate.
Fixed AUX_IN connection - previous versions had it connected to '0'.
Fixed bug in ConfigureLSB logic, so external trigger signal is injected into data LSB with ALAZAR_LSB = 01. In previous versions, ALAZAR_LSB = 01 resulted in '0' being injected in the LSB.
"Set FFT_MODE == '0'. Fixed error in calculation of Triggers per trigger enable. This fixes a problem where frames were not synchronized to Frame Start signal
Changed over-range bits to come from Reg_46[31..16] instead of Reg_47[31..16]. Use Reg_47 for TrigsPerTrigEn".
Initial release.